

The workshops at Cosmic Clues are spaces where you come to reconnect with your creativity in order to find the way back to your Self.

The aim here is not to learn how to do something “beautiful”. The intention is to use the artistic gesture to raise awareness of one’s inner resources, to promote self-expression and the liberation of emotions, and to allow oneself to transform one’s life.

Intuitive artistic expression and letting go, allow you to anchor yourself in the present moment and refocus by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit.




Become aware of your creative power in order to invite evolution and well-being.

At Cosmic Clues, workshops combine Art Therapy, Meditations, Sound Baths & Sound Healing, Yoga… and more other holistic practices. 

The creative process then becomes liberating, a source of awakening and expansion.

Art is the medium, the fluidifying element when it’s too difficult to become aware and to express what we feel with words.

This reconnection to creativity allows us to take full confidence in our creative power, and thus create the life we desire.

♦ Recognize and release emotions.

♦ Regain confidence and self-esteem.

♦ Reduce anxiety and stress by lowering cortisol levels.

♦ Reconnect with intuition.

♦ Overcome traumas or blockages and limiting patterns.

♦ Refocus, realign with yourself and your values.

♦ Improve relationships and connection to others.

♦ Reach a higher level of consciousness.

♦ Support and accept a serious pathology.
(with appropriate follow-up and medical treatment)


And there, you will soon find
online workshops to download!



It’s possible to book workshops for groups for individuals or companies. Workshops will be designed according your specific themes and requests.

The Workshops-Circles are spaces for re-connection, transmission and liberation. To create reliance, listening and mutual benevolence around a theme.

These are spaces for re-connecting to others but also to oneself. The energy of the circle contributes to everyone’s empowerment.

Prices on request.

Holistic Art Therapy
Individual sessions

1:1 sessions are a great way to move towards well-being and better self-knowledge in a more intimate and personal setting.

These sessions allow you to work more in depth on the blockages or spheres of your life that you wish to make more fluid.


Individual Session 1h15 – 70€

For adults, teenagers and children from 6 years old.




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